Here's why you might have to pay more for an Apple iPhone - Ayush Computer Technology

Here's why you might have to pay more for an Apple iPhone

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It’s no secret that Apple charges a premium for its iPhone  and they are one of the most expensive phones in the market. Most prospective buyers are often put off by the hefty price tag they carry and Apple’s detractors also use it as a criticism. If you thought that the iPhone was rather expensive now then Apple has an ominous warning for you. According to a Bloomberg report, Apple in its quarterly filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission has mentioned that its products could get more expensive for customers.
Citing the trade war that is brewing between the United States and China, Apple reportedly said that, “International trade disputes could result in tariffs and other protectionist measures that could adversely affect the company’s business. Tariffs could increase the cost of the company’s products and the components and raw materials that go into making them.” In other words, Apple products may get more expensive if the trade dispute continues. Further in its quarterly filing, the Cupertino-based tech giant stated, “These increased costs could adversely impact the gross margin that the Company earns on sales of its products. Tariffs could also make the company’s products more expensive for customers, which could make the company’s products less competitive and reduce consumer demand.”

Indian customers would remember that earlier this year post the Union budget, government of India had increased the import duty which resulted in a price hike of the iPhone. The iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and the iPhone X's prices were all hiked after the government's decision.

The Bloomberg report further mentions that in its quarterly call with analysts, Apple had clarified that so far the US-China trade war hasn’t affected the company directly. Apple CEO Tim Cook, however, did mention that the latest tariffs “are being investigated” and the company would let the government know of its response.

While it’s not clear as of now how and what tariffs would be imposed and how they will affect Apple, the fact that the company has given out a warning, customers should be prepared to pay more for an iPhone.

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